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Get to know… Lee Chater, Associate

Natalie Moore | 1st November 2023 | Blog
Mansfield Monk team - Lee Chater

We’re taking you behind the scenes to catch up with Lee Chater, MM Associate and Senior Architectural Technician extraordinaire to find out a few of his favourite things.

Who’s your favourite artist/architect?

L: I don’t really have one, I’ve always liked the Centre Pompidou building in Paris and the Lloyds Building in London, buildings that I grew up learning about. So, I guess Richard Rogers would be a likely candidate, I could imagine it would be a pretty cool practice to work in, other than ours of course!

Pompidou Center

What are you reading?

L: Currently, Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. I am ploughing through his series of books at the moment, almost complete. I like a big old chunky book to get stuck into. I really enjoyed the Gentleman Bastard Series by Scott Lynch, but am still waiting him to finish the last book in the series, so if his manages to come across this, chop chop!

The Republic of Thieves - Scott Lynch

When you’re not working, what do you do?

L: Spare time, whats that?! Well when I get spare time then definitely spending time with the family and doing my own DIY projects. I like to keep fit either by running/ playing rugby or badminton, when I’m not injured that is. Oh, and I love a good WWII or sci-fi movie any day of the week!

What have you learnt at MM?

L: Well, having been here for close to 20 years, probably quite a lot. I have always had a thirst for the technical aspect of design, but I would say my design abilities and more lately it’s concentrating on having my own clients and projects to manage. I’m always keen for a CPD, that provides lunch too!